Friday, April 22, 2011

The new breed

Like any other kid/human/observer, I always believed (yes! i do NOT anymore) that there are 2 kinds of people, GOOD and BAD. while the fancy stories I read as a kid tried to teach me that BADs would have some sort of horns on their heads ( mostly red) , i realized that it was only fake as i grew up.
And yes the fact holds true for the Good category too. And this is just my belief. I am not saying that Good Bad doesn't exist..No! it does! but certainly not in an absolute fashion..maybe it never did, and all that we read in our kindergartens was mere fake. what does exist, anyways i believe, is this Human class..this new breed with each member of it having their own idiosyncrasies and also some characteristics relatively more common and hence making it more of a "Type of people"'s this new breed i am talking of here. Every individual has his priorities set. Things appear different only for people we know real close simply because we know them real close..because we are acquainted to the way their minds work. There are neither heroes nor villains in this real life. It's just the matter of faith, of trust. you either trust the other person or you don't. and even when you dislike something in a person you really trust , it just doesn't bother you just doesn't matter. If we talk in terms of A and B, yes every A who holds B dear, chooses to ignore somethings or many..and every B knows about it. The fact doesn't change if we consider the situation from B to A. It's all about the choices we make while maintaining that trust and everything is good..'cause where there exists no faith, nothing else could either!
And when they compare the old times with the new, the today with the yesteryears, one thing no one ever forgets to mention is the ease in life deteriorating with time moving on towards a tough world. And i say really?? is it the competition? is it the struggle to survive?? is it all really that huge?? well i think it's Only the tendency to lose this Trust in our fellows, and everything else is sheer aftermath!

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