Sunday, May 8, 2011

Just another nightout - or was it ? :)

So this one's big - it's huge! Ok you may or may not agree but I am excited about m more than excited about it..people who have been around know if excited is still the right word :P (my friends have been chatting among themselves asking if I am any better or still hyperactive :P ).
It's's so obvious!! :)

Allow me to take you into flashback :)

Thursday: May 05 2011y
Morning and afternoon
I ususally do not have a class/office on Thursday but I had an appointment at the international student center at 10, for some paperwork, so had to wake up early. After the appointment I decided to stay back for our team meeting scheduled at 2.

Well we, the four of us, Me, pal, durgu and mike - we decided to take part in the facebook hackathon - a university wide competition for building cool applications :) This is what this meeting was for.

The meeting didn't go toooooo well (for me).No more details. I was not happy.

I worked on the idea. Thought about all that was discussed in the meeting and realized we had a lot of disjoint ideas that when connected well could form an awesome idea. And i wrote an email to my team. We all agreed. We had our idea. I was convinced. So were the other team mates.

No details. I was not happy.

Friday morning:
I went to my office to work.Worked for some time. I was feeling slightly better than the previous night.I then took off for where the competition was organised.

Friday was the hackathon day. It was to start at 5 in the evening.

What happened beginning Friday evening till Saturday evening was just magical. We had an idea, a good team, awesome plan of execution and an achievable task! I knew I was enjoying every bit of it! The awesome mix of songs being played out loud, geeks around, everyone coding, thinking, unlimited brilliant food, drinks available, hourly raffle (not that i won even a single:( )..i mean if I were to define an ideal atmosphere to live, it's this..what these fb guys gave us at the hackathon!

We won the second prize for our app. As you (yes you reader) must have noticed, this is not a very well organized post as far as details pertaining to specail moments is considered, well that is because i'm too tired/sleepy even right now! But I knew i had to publish this post - this is important! And I need to do this right now because I still have that awesome feeling of victory inside may just go weak when the week starts even if this is not the most awesome post ever- i don't care.. because I know m writing what m feeling right now!

This hackathon could probably have been just another nightout- staying up all night to do a task -but it turns out this wasn't just another night out. Things changed after that. This reminds me of my very first post on this blog :)

"Khwab hai to mujhko na jaga"
(Don't wake me up if this is a dream)

I'll write a mature version of this post soon :P