Monday, July 27, 2009

The wake up call..

With rights come duties. Nature, which turned into an abundant source of resources after the industrial revolution in the late eighteenth century, was also mistakenly considered to be inexhaustible and while this myth still exists in some parts of the world, those which are aware do not find themselves capable enough of doing anything much about it . We all demand fuel, water, electricity and all sorts of resources but seldom do we realize how self centered citizens of this planet we are. we are not bothered about the future, busy consuming what we have in hand. and why not, we have earned it , right? but who's responsible for the future? yes of course we have organizations but are they adequate? Are few people powerful enough to make it up to the consequences of fatal actions of billions of people all around the world constantly stepping forward towards nothing less than disaster? i do not deny the fact that people are more aware than they were a few years back. what started as a concern of few is now a global issue and people all across the planet are being made aware. But then, it's not only pollution, it's not just global warming, it's not just population or extinction of breeds which once existed; It's about all this being collectively existing in our present,reminding us of how our past used to be and pretty much threatening as far as the future is concerned.Each one of us is responsible for how our tomorrow would be. We must do our bit to save our home planet before it's too late.If we don't now, it'll not be an exaggeration to say that life would become so difficult that eventually our unique blue planet would come to an end. And then even if it takes millions of years for it, it will take a rebirth; Earth will transmigrate into an empty, a barren, a mere huge oval dry piece of lifeless land and nothing else.We wont be there to see this because we won't exist anymore, none of us, no animals no plants no oceans, no life at all. Earth will be back but not us, you know why, because Earth has all the time in the world, but we don't....

1 comment:

  1. A very nice wake up call there...But the 'common man' does not wake up coz he is unable to actually do anything about the climate. Dont you think that we should put up some very practical and nice ideas up here that every individual can follow without depending on anybody else...!!
